Monday, January 10, 2011

Rise in Gnosticism...

I decided not to write a commentary on this posting, but rather let you decide or let you do more research...Just remember, at the end of the day, you have a choice.  I'm just putting it out there. :-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Prophetic Look at 2011

Today when I arrived to church, we received an interesting "print out".  The church I recently joined usually hands out notes of interest or reminders for things the ministry will be observing as an international body. I have to admit, that although my heart has been saying it for some time, it took me a minute to actually read what was on the sheet of paper. All last year, I would tell my sister and husband that I felt like God is drawing a line in the sand...and when He is done drawing that line, you better be on the right side or your destiny will be sealed. A lot of people don't believe that God would be so strict.  It baffles me because the bible is full of instances where God said "do this or else my wrath will come upon you...I am the Lord your God"!  I got a glimpse of this very thing, when I got a note from a prophet stating this about the year 2011 "2011 is a no compromise year people. That means, no matter how hard things get, we cannot compromise our Godly stance! Time to get planted people and become unshakeable no matter what comes our way! (Psalm 16:8)"...then God laid it on my heart to say in one of my statuses "this year, you will make a choice. If you don't choose, a choice will be made for you" now I understand it more and more after receiving the note below. I want to share it with you...

(Note: This prophetic look is by Dr. D.K. Olukoya)

(begin note)

Spiritual Picture of Year 2011:  Prophetically, you can call this year the boiling year.  A very delicate and sophisticated year. The prophetic picture is not very, very attractive.

Matthew 20:1-10 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard.  He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.  About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing.  He told them,  "You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right. So they went. He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing.  About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around.  He asked them, "Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?"  "Because no one has hired us", they answered.  He said to them "You also go and work in my vineyard".  When evening came the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, "call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first."  The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius.  So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more.  But each one of them also received a denarius.

Prophetic Look at Year 2011:

1. A year of massive and insane disorder.
2. A year of satanically inspired and well orchestrated chaos.
3. A year when the animal will pursue the hunter and the horse will begin to ride
    the rider.
4. A year of unexplainable lawlessness and protest across the nations.
5. A year whereby unless there is aggressive intercession and divine intervention,
    the economy of the world will be shaken and brought down to dust.
6. A year of the rage of satanic blood bath.  The enemy shedding blood anyhow
7. A year where there shall be hot anger from heaven against strange marriages
    and perverted marriages.
8. A year of execution of divine judgment against powers behind powers terrorizing
    nations and people and terrorizing nations and religions.
9. A year of national and global disgraceful surprises for the enemies of
    righteousness and peace.
10. A year of when a lot of monkeys shall fall down from the trees.
11. A year of very harsh geographical and climatic conditions.
12. A year where divinely energized storm shall swallow the wicked.
13. A year of judgment for blasphemers.
14. A year where there will be emergence of newer groups carrying out the most
      gruesome satanic agenda.
15. A year of emergence of newer technology to improve lives but also to multiply
16. A year of food crisis.
17. A year of unimaginable wickedness in high places and we need to really pray
18. A year of evil promotion and evil tolerance.
19. A year of abominable perversion and rebellion.
20. a year that will dramatize what is in Haggai 2:6.
21. A year that will dramatize the scripture in Hosea 12:13. A year when you will
      need a prophet to lead you in, to sustain you and to lead you out. Amos 3:7
22. Nations supporting sexual perversion and strange marriages will experience
      the Sodom and Gomorra kind of punishment.
23. Serious prayers are needed to avert bloody ethnic clashes and destruction.
24. A year when you must always know the mind of God before embanking on
25. A year to really pray against major catastrophic disasters.
26. A year when the Almighty will set tables of uncommon blessings for his faithful
27. A year when the statement where biblical judgment will begin in the
      house of God will be played out in full.  So those who are false prophets and/or using the name of
      God for business and manipulation and those who are wallowing in sin and
      hiding in church will find that it is not a year to do so at all.

28. A year of uncommon decay in societal values.
29. A year of exposure and judgment for the bad and ugly in Christianity.
30. A year when deliberate violation of God's command will have zero tolerance
      from heaven.


Horizontal words do not control the earth.  Words that ascend do not rule the earth.  But when you send words down from heaven, heaven will take hold of the earth and it will rule for you.  When you operate from the heaven lies (pray), you reign over all your enemies.  Your enemies will no longer be able to escape your sword when you operate from the heavens. In a year like this, you need to understand certain biblical principles to be able to survive.

(end note)

If you have questions about the text or desire understanding you can post below or inbox me on FB.

For Christ I live...