Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Where Your Help Comes From...

I am so inspired by the many FB posts about goal-setting for the 2010. It made me think of how, back in the day, me and my then boyfriend (husband now) used to sit down and map out our goals for the new incoming year.  Life has taken many twists and turns, since those days, and we seem to have gotten away from that "family tradition".

My husband mentioned he wanted to get back to our goal-setting sessions. So we have our date to do so before the New Year sets in. As I sit down to think about what things I will pray in the new year, I wanted to point out two insights from the Word of God.

The first: The Lord Gives Promotion, not man. Psalm 75:6-7; Prov 29:26 No matter what anyone tells you, please understand that spiritual laws are always at work, whether you are aware of them or not. Rest assured that it is the Lord that decides who is lifted up and who's taken down. When Jesus says yes, NO ONE can say no. Make sure that you complete your work with excellence and as an offering to God, not man! If you never say a word about your work, trust that your work will not go unnoticed by God! Keep chugging! (I'm ministering to myself)...

The second: Do not get distracted by what you see in the natural. II Timothy 2:3-5  If God is the head of your life, rest assured that what He has for you is for you. I had a prophetic dream prior to taking a new job. In the dream, God was trying to show me something very important written on a rainbow. Whatever it was, I knew in the dream that it was VERY important.  He began leading me to the rainbow so I could see what was written on it. Along the path, there were several people that didn't make any sense to me. They were standing by the side watching me very hard. I was with three other people that I knew very well. I remember telling the three people that those staring could not harm us as long as we stayed focused and kept moving. I just knew in the dream that we couldn't stop moving. I told those with me to be sure not to get angered by the people constantly staring or that would allow them to come and arrest us. Well, one person got fed up with the staring and lashed out. Out of nowhere, soldiers rushed in and seized her. I remember as she was quickly being carried away whispering long to her "pray!". The remaining 3 of us continued to move towards the rainbow. As we moved closer, someone attempted to distract my husband with the most trivial of accusations. I was still moving and then noticed that my hubby was no longer with my sister and I. I turned around and immediately became frustrated at the fact that they were distracting my husband with foolishness. As soon as I did that, my sister yelled to me to keep moving. I ignored her and continued to move my frustration to anger in an attempt to defend my husband. As I continued doing what I wanted to do (confront these accusations), the rainbow began to disappear and I began to wake up. As I felt myself waking up, I kept pushing to go back to sleep. I heard the Holy Spirit say plainly "you cannot ignore an appointed time. You must focus on the goal and keep distractions at bay. DO NOT GET DISTRACTED".  There are many lessons in this dream, but I wanted to point out the biggest lesson which was to stay focused. Surely enough, I understood after taking the job exactly what that dream meant. Distractions will come when you are about your Father's business, but do not lose focus of the goal. If you have your marching orders, march! ;-) God will see you through! No matter what it looks like in the natural, just know the devil specializes in screensavers. He wants things to look a certain way, it is only when you "move your computer mouse" with consistent prayer that evidence of the real screen appears.

You can do it! Pray fervently the 2011 year!

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